World Vision Pastor Trip to Haiti

VISIT - for more stories
We are taking a team of pastors to Haiti to see World Vision's relief work in Port au Price and the Central Plateau on March 22nd through the 26th. Check back daily for pictures and updates.

During our trip we are going to visit an IDP (Internally Displaced People) Camp, see a World Vision food distribution, meet with local pastors, visit agricultural projects and more.

Haiti 2010

Haiti 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Repost from WV website.

This was my highlight of the day so I'm putting it on both sites.
Today we met with pastors from the Hinche area. We talked with them about the challenges they face and what has happened since the earthquake. When we asked them how many of them were impacted by people moving in with them since the quake almost all of them raised their hands. They shared stories about where they were when the earthquake hit. Walter’s story is most powerful. Pastor Walter is the second one in from the left. He said on the day of the earthquake he was traveling to Port au Prince to meet his daughter who is in college there. She had a mid-term exam and needed money to pay the fee or she could not take the test. Walter spent a few hours looking for a ride or a taxi to drive him to the city. He could find no one. Around 4:00PM he gave up and went home. His daughter Jean was denied the ability to take the test and she went home as well. As they both traveled home the quake struck. The next day Walter found a ride to the city and found his daughter safe. They went to the college and found the four story building completely collapsed with teachers and students trapped inside, they had perished in the earthquake. Walter praises God for his daughter’s safety though grieves with those who were not so fortunate.

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